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byBonito Designs April 15, 2023 In Reading Time : 8.5 mins read

Trends come and go, and patterns change with them. Bonito Designs is a window that exhibits the trends that you can anticipate to see in houses for the upcoming year, just like the window of a fashion store would tell what the hottest colours for the season are. Colour combinations for kitchens options are at the top of our trends forecast because kitchens and wardrobes are something most thought of while designing this space.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

We discussed the upcoming kitchen trends for 2023 previously which are surely going to create an impact in design plethora. One of the most essential rooms in the house is the kitchen. Not only does it give you and your family the nutrition you need, but it also serves as a gathering spot where everyone can gather to eat, talk about their days, and strengthen family ties.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

An organised setting comes to mind when you think of a modular kitchen space. Along with the delicious food being prepared, any simple kitchen should emanate a positive atmosphere that contributes to the pleasant atmosphere. The colour is another important factor that can assist a room’s vibe.

There are numerous colour schemes for modular kitchens from which to pick, all of which have a cheerful, upbeat attitude. Use the correct colours to give your kitchen a mood-enhancing vibe that fosters community and promotes creativity.

Adding colour in the kitchen wall is a great way to give your kitchen a vibrant appearance. From kitchen corners to flooring designs, everything is taken care of. Our guide below highlights the hottest kitchen colour schemes to get you started, whether you prefer muted tones or bold hues. To give your kitchen a fresh new look, paint the walls or cabinets with bright colours. The most important thing is to choose a colour scheme that complements both your own style and the general design of your simple kitchen.

The kitchen is one of the most productive rooms in the house, but it needs to be vibrant to be productive. Choosing the finest colour combination for kitchen is one of the simplest methods to make a beautiful kitchen.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

Using colour can change how a room feels. They have a significant role in influencing your emotions, level of productivity, and mood. They are also generally accessible, affordable, and simple to use. Consider employing colours that increase a simple kitchen’s efficiency and complement the colours of your kitchen furnishings when choosing colour schemes for the room. You can experiment with several colour schemes for the kitchen, but it will look terrible if you choose one that depletes the room’s visual appeal and gives the room a dreary vibe.

When you go into a room, what do you immediately notice? Yes, the colour! Colours are so much more than merely accents in a design. The right colour can change a home’s architectural style, enlarge a tiny area, and allow you to personalise your interiors to express your personality.
Given how much time you spend in the kitchen, choosing the best modular kitchen colour schemes may produce a cheerful, inviting ambience that will make your time there productive.

Unleash the 10 best colour combinations for your kitchen space

The kitchen is one of the most crucial areas of the home. Therefore don’t compromise on your preferences for the colour scheme of your kitchen. It provides you and your family with the nutrients you require and acts as a hub where everyone can congregate to dine, share their days, and fortify family ties.

In this article, we are going to unleash the best colour combinations for kitchen of your dreams. Check out and get inspired.

  • Go classic with black and white!

This classic and cutting-edge colour scheme can just be your design call. Frosted glass cabinets on one side go well with the backslash of patterned tiles which can be Moroccan inspired or geometric in designs. This colour combination for kitchen creates volume in any space, making it look bigger and brighter. Black and white can be broken up with natural wood accents, stainless steel equipment, and bursts of greenery to infuse warmth into the room.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

  • Pastels calling

A modern day kitchen calls for all style and sobriety for which pastels can be your choice of the hour. Pastel hues can never really become outdated. The latest trend, though, is to combine pastels with either earthy or monochromatic solid materials. And also with metallic accents!

best color combinations for your kitchen space

Use soft pastel-coloured cabinets, and add depth to the room with a backslash composed of printed or textured classic tiles or textured terracotta tiles. Make sure the colour scheme you choose for the kitchen is well-balanced. With this kitchen’s colour scheme, the impact is extremely dramatic without being overpowering whether in kitchen walls or in cabinets.

  • Greens and white can be your savior

Green is a vibrant and contemporary colour that may give the kitchen a splash of colour. Dark green cabinets may make a big and dramatic statement, while light green cabinets look clean and fresh when contrasted with white walls and counter tops or kitchen island.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

  • Level it up with whites and browns

Brown is a friendly and welcoming colour that can give the kitchen a homey, rustic atmosphere. Brown cabinetry or wood accents can give a space a natural and organic appearance when paired with white walls and worktops.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

Brown and white combine to create charm and desire. It is one of the straightforward colour schemes for kitchen walls. To give a touch of class, incorporate a tint of black, brown, or Gray. Careful blending is required to prevent your kitchen from looking dingy.

  • Make it look chic with all white

White is the colour that embodies innocence and purity. It is undoubtedly a timeless favourite because of the way its colour makes any room appear bigger than it is, even if its a small kitchen space. Get an all-white kitchen like the one in the image below if you want a space that is uncomplicated, yet elegant and outstanding.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

  • Gray, gold & whites can sum up the style

The opulent colour combination for kitchen of Gray and gold elevates the kitchen’s style and refinement. A stylish and elegant style can be produced by combining Gray cabinetry with gold hardware and embellishments, such as light fixtures or faucets.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

Gray has grown in popularity as a hue for kitchen cabinets, and it looks crisp and contemporary when contrasted with white walls and counter tops. A warm Gray colour may give the room depth and perspective, and adding pops of colour with accessories like rugs or curtains can give the kitchen flair.

  • Beat the blues with blue and white combo

Blues can never dishearten you and this kitchen’s colour scheme is just excellent. Like bread and butter, blue and white go together. You have the option of going big with a navy blue shade or choosing a baby blue that is softer. There are so many different hues of blue that elicit various feelings. The kitchen wall can look more cohesive and dramatic with black counters.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

  • Go bold with black and wooden textures

The newest colour combination for kitchens is black and wood. Your modular kitchen has an unusual appearance as a result. Black is a colour that represents power and strength, and wood will amplify the fire energy in your region.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

  • Make it look earthy with browns

If you want your kitchen to feel natural and unpretentious, brown is a great colour to choose. By using several brown hues, a subtle contrast is produced that is pleasing to the eye. If you want a soft, natural look for your kitchen, this colour scheme is the perfect.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

  • Red and white to add some spice

Your kitchen would look richer with red undertones. You can add red and white cabinetry to your kitchen to give it a more appealing appearance. If you choose, you can also add cabinets that are cream in colour because they give the cabinets a distinctive appearance. Also, red backslash kitchen tiles can also be the game changer for the kitchen.

best color combinations for your kitchen space

Choosing the appropriate colour combination for kitchen can significantly affect the room’s overall appearance and atmosphere. There is a colour scheme that will fit your demands and preferences, whether you like a strong and dramatic statement or a delicate and calm design. To design a kitchen that inspires and drives you, take into consideration these 10 greatest colour schemes for kitchen design by Bonito Designs. Thinking of giving a revamp to your kitchen space? Connect with us and get your kitchen designed in a way you desire.

best color combinations for your kitchen space


Which color scheme works best for a modular kitchen design?

Ans: Shades of blue, white and green, orange and black, and yellow and cream are some of the greatest color combos for modular kitchen design whether it’s a small kitchen space or a large one.

Which colors belong elsewhere in a modular kitchen?

Ans: According to vastu shastra, having an all-white modular kitchen is a terrible choice. White is acceptable in combination, though.

Should the cabinetry in a modular kitchen match the color of the walls?

Ans: Kitchen cabinets, kitchen island and walls don’t have to be the same color, but it’s not a requirement either. In fact, having different-colored cabinets and walls can create a stunning, unified impression. Given how much room they take up, kitchen cabinets inevitably draw notice.

Which color schemes for the kitchen make it appear bright?

Ans: Combinations of light colors can brighten the kitchen space design.
