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by Sravani Padmanabhuni May 27, 2014 In Bedroom Interior Design in Bangalore Best Interior Decorators in Bangalore Blog DIY home decor ideas Home decoration ideas & Tips How to Uncategorized

A lighting that is subtle yet comfortable, just how the bedroom is

A bedroom is one space where one wants to be what he or she is, devoid of makeup or masks. That is why, if you ask as to which is the favourite place in the world, a majority of the population in the world would answer, “My bedroom”.

Hence it is important to have a comfortable look and feel to the bedroom. When people design their bedroom, all give much attention to the furniture, bed, painting and decoration but few pay detailed attention to the lighting to be used in a bedroom. For them, it is just the basic lights and they are done.

Experts say this should not be the case. The lighting in a bedroom is as important as the bed you choose. If the bedroom lighting is not done well, then it can cause serious strain to your eyes in the long run and spending time in your bedroom would be a nightmare, literally!


Follow some bedroom lighting tips to get lighting suitable to your bedroom to make it just worth of you. Just ask yourself a few questions and thereby you will know what lighting to be used.

What are the functions of my bedroom interiors?

The question means for what purposes you use your bedroom.

Is it just for sleeping?

Or do you read in your bedroom?

Does the bedroom also contain your dressing table?

Do you like to spend some quiet time lying on the sofa here?


You can make a list of things you do in your bedroom, be it reading, relaxing, working on your laptop, dressing up and more.

Then go about finding bedroom lighting ideas that will suit each activity.

It doesn’t mean you need to have separate lights for each activity.

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Good lights used cleverly can fulfil all your necessities and also make your bedroom worth spending time in.

Pay attention to the size and height of the room

The size and height of the bedroom are two essential factors to be considered when choosing the lights. If the bedroom is large, it will need multiple and different lights. If it is a small room, then there would not be enough space for multiple lights.


From the measurement of the height of the bedroom, you can decide on what light fixtures to be used. If the ceiling is not tall enough, then you can go in for shorter bodies.

Get attractive but functional lights for your bedroom lighting design

When it comes to lighting systems, there are umpteen options available. From traditional lamps to modern lighting system, you get what you want.


A point to remember is that while you choose attractive and designer lamps and lights for your bedroom interiors, always give priority to the functionality of these lights. Thus it is wise to choose beautiful and functional lighting system.

Go for brighter to dimmer lights

If you read on your bed, then you should have a good lamp beside your bed. Always use bright light for reading purpose because if the lighting is not good, you will end up straining your eyes.
Have a bright light in the bedroom but ensure that it is not over your head so that you won’t be staring at the light when you are lying on the bed. This is also not good for eyes. Just have the bright light on any one side of the room.


Another important point is to have dimmers in your bedroom. Dimmers give a nice ambience to bedroom. You can also opt for soft or diffused light to give a nice and quiet feel to the whole atmosphere.

Give the closet it deserves – bright lights

Get bright lights for closets because if the closet is in dark, then you can imagine the plight. There are a few precautions you need to take while installing lights in your closet.
Keep the lights away from clothes and it is believed that using fluorescent lights are good for they are cooler compared to other lights and at the same time, does provide ample light enough for a closet.

Choose the best lamp

When choosing the right lamp for your bedroom, look for both style and functionality. Go for large lamps if they are the main source of light but if they aren’t, you can choose smaller ones. You can either go for floor lamps or the ones that can be mounted on walls.


There are so many designs available for lamps that you will easily get ones that suit your bedroom. Always place wall lamps near outlets as it is not good or safe to have long, uncovered electric wires all over your bedroom.

For reading lamps, go for brighter lights.

You can even opt for multiple lamps if you are using them for decorative purpose. Sleek, functional and decorative lamps can give a great makeover to your bedroom.

Opt for a functional chandelier

If earlier, chandeliers were just used in foyers or large living rooms, then today, many use chandeliers in their bedroom too. You can choose a chandelier that matches your bedroom.
The most important point to while selecting proper lighting for your bedroom interiors;


Consider is to get a chandelier that matches the size of your bedroom. There is a simple way to do that. Measure the lengths and breadth of the bedroom in feet.
Add the measurements up and the resultant figure should be the diameter of the chandelier. For example, if the size of the room is 12 x 16 feet, then the diameter of the chandelier should be 28 inches (12 + 16).
Height of the room is another important factor. If the height of the room is eight feet, the chandelier should be 24 inches high.
The style and design of the chandelier is something that you can chose according to your style and taste.
