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byBonito Designs November 24, 2023 In Blog KIDS BEDROOM

Fun bunker bed designs for your kids

bunker bed designs for your kids

There were days when the bunk beds were made of metal and were very uncomfortable to sleep in. Reaching to the top was also a hard task. Thanks to modern interior designers, the very idea of bunk bed has been changed to be more modern and interactive for your kids.

Today the creative concepts of stairs and ladders have taken the bunker beds to the next level.

With our expert inputs, read on to find out how to chose perfect bunk beds for kid’s room

1. Bunk beds for kids

Before rushing to the stores, or googling on e-commerce websites, it is the best advice to chose bunk beds as per your kid’s age. If your child’s age is less than 6 years, then make sure that your chosen bunk bed has less elevation and guarded with railings for safety. With ages 7 – 12 years, you can incorporate activity zones within the structure to accommodate them.

2. Plan for the future:

bunker bed designs for your kids

Plan for the future – both for your family and the furniture. Select bunker beds with your kid’s growing age in mind. Just think about the scenario of atleast 5-6 years down the lane and chose your cot dimensions accordingly. If you don’t want to think much about it, you can opt for Futon bed design which can be pulled out at the bottom giving enough space for the bed to expand.

I’m sure this will be the need of hour.. 🙂

3. Having appropriate measurements

For installing a bunk bed design for your children’s room, you should ensure that there is enough space ion available in the room. Bunk beds are essentially to use up the vertical space but there should be enough horizontal space which is essential for walking around the room with bumping.

Below you can see 2 twin bunk beds made up of nice wood.

There is enough space in the room with the beds too with lots of width.

4. Vertical Space between 2 beds:

A minimum vertical space of 2 feet height should be maintained between two beds. This will give the kid in the lower bed enough access to sit comfortably without hitting his head to the upper platform.

Also ReadCreative Ideas using Headboard for Kids Bedroom

5. Selecting different features and styles

bunker bed designs

The bunk beds now a days have features like stairs, ladders, and drawers so having all these plus walking space would be a great advantage.

When choosing a bunk bed you should check the stairs too.

The stairs should not be too narrow or out of sight which might be inconvenient for children to maneuver and may be a tripping hazard for kids.

You can also select bunk beds with different special features like study areas, storage areas, or different play options depending upon the age of your kids. If your kids have friends to sleep over then you should go for the bunk beds with futons or the pull out beds.

Tip: While buying you should also try consulting your kids as you might be overlooking something of their need.

Tip2 : It is always suggested to chose the bunker bed design which has railings for them especially if your kids age falls under 2-6 years..

Below is a very good example of bunk bed with ample space for the stairs and is well protected for your kids.

Also Read: 5 Bedroom Design Ideas For Kids That Will Make You Envious

6. Choosing the right type of bunk bed

There are different types of bunk bed designs available in the market. Like basic twin over twin to full bed on bottom with twin on the top. Depending upon your need you can choose between basic or lofted bunk beds.

Whatever is your need of the hour, Bonito Designs is here to help you plan the ultimate bedroom for your kids. You can take a look through our archives of a curated collection of kid bedroom designs and execute the perfect dream space for your little one.
