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by Sravani Padmanabhuni October 29, 2014 In Best Interior Decorators in Bangalore Blog How to Living Room Interior Design in Bangalore Uncategorized

Select the right TV that suits your living room

TV is the perfect medium for entertainment at home. Latest plasma / LED TVs occupy less space and provides the best viewing experience. It also adds to the style factor of a room. Any room with high-end designs or with simple designs, will look more elegant and attractive with the addition of a sleek TV in the room.

At the same time, you should consider several factors while selecting the best  TV especially for your living room. Below are some points to ponder on before you buy the perfect plasma / LED TV for your home interiors:

How to chose right screen size for living room:

Before buying a TV, one of the most important points that you should consider is the viewing distance. Hence, the length of the room and the size of the screen should match.

If the size of the screen is 46 inches, then there should be at least 11.5 feet viewing distance. So choose this size only if your living room is lengthy enough.

An easy way to find out the right size of the room is to first find the Viewing distance.

Multiply by three the size of the TV in inches and then divide the sum by 12 and the answer is the viewing distance you need to have.

So, if you cannot have that much viewing distance in your living room, then select a TV with a lesser screen size.

Go to the wall mounting plasma / LED screens if your living room is too small, because by mounting the TV on the wall, you can also make up for the viewing distance and also by doing so, you will reduce the clutter on the floor.

Check viewing angles:

It is best to place TV straight on if you wish to have the best viewing angle. If placed in the middle of the room, the viewing can be dull from the side lines. Check out the contrast ration of the TV you are about to buy.

You can check out from the salesman about the best one that will suit your room arrangement. A good contrast ratio means the picture quality will be better.

The budget:

Since you get TV’s at different prices, it is important to fix your budget before you venture to buy one. Different TVs come with different and varied features. You will have to pay more if you wish to have such additional features.

At the same time, do give a thought to the size of your room, your room arrangement, space and the living décor or bedroom decor of your room before buying. Fix the budget after considering these factors.

A little research:

TV’s are available in all sizes and also from different and prestigious brands. Do a research on the brands available, their features, discount timings, and if online purchases are good enough and so on. This will also enable you to compare prices and find out more about different brands, thus helping you buy the best one for your room.
