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by Sravani Padmanabhuni September 9, 2014 In Blog DIY home decor ideas Uncategorized

DIY Project: Fun with Chalkboards

When we recall our childhood memories, one thing that everybody of us would have loved to do then would be to write on chalkboards. Whether playing a game where you became a teacher and pretended to teach the imaginary students in the class or whether you just started writing the alphabets for the first time, many of the memories could be related to the chalkboards. Unlocking the magic of chalkboard designs, where creativity flows freely and imagination knows no bounds.

It is as much fun for the grown-ups to write on the chalkboard as it is for the young lot. You can create some chalkboards at your own place to have some with them; that too in style. Here are some interesting DIY chalkboard ideas to go about it!

Chalkboard Door:

You can create a chalkboard designs on the door of your room. It could on the back side or on the front side, according to your own preference. You can choose the color of the chalkboard to match with the color of the door.

You can write a lot of fun stuff on the door and build light-hearted ambience.

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Framed Chalkboard DIY:

It is quite simple to make one such chalkboard. All you need to do is get a chalkboard of appropriate size and shape and get it framed in a stylish way. You can choose these framed chalkboard ideas as per your preference. You can put it up as an item of décor in your living space or even in your bedroom. From the menu of the dinner to the thought of the day, you can write just about anything on it. Use colored chalks to do so.

Chalkboard Photo Frames:

You can make a photo frame for yourself in which the frame is actually a chalkboard designs. You can write the name of the person whose photo you put up in the frame.

d0cf6b10ac4b4083256b9adc0496c11eAdditionally, you can decorate the frame with designs made by chalk on that frame. It is quite a unique way of making a photo frame as well.

Cabinet Chalkboard:

You can now turn your old medicine or kitchen cabinet in a chalkboard. On the door of the cabinet create a chalkboard designs of the color that complements the color of the rest of the cabinet.


You can write your list of ‘things to do’ or the list of shopping that you need to do on a particular day.

Chalkboard Containers:

Here is another cool way to use chalkboard. On the containers of sugar, salt, pepper, etc. you can make a small chalkboard of any shape.


From a heart to a square, just pick any shape to be made on the containers and then you can write on that the name of the ingredient.

Chalkboard Tabletop:

A really fun way to go about is to get a chalkboard designs tabletop. It would not just look stylish but also become a fun thing for your child when he/she is having her meal.


Making them sit at the table and eat would become much easier. They can play and draw while they eat their food.

Chalkboard Refrigerator:

Making your refrigerator into a chalkboard will enable you to make designs of your choice. From floral patterns to geometrical designs, you can pick anything to decorate your fridge.


All you need to do is to let your creativity loose. It can be a drawing board of your kids as well.

Chalkboard Tags:

You can create tags that you can put on different things. You can write whatever you wish to on the tags and tie them up with stuff. You can even use it to write wishes for someone and tie it up on the gift that you are going to give to the person.


If you want to make your own chalkboard paint, all you need to is mix some ingredients in appropriate proportions. Just mix 1 cup of latex paint with color of the chalkboard that you want. Now add 2 tablespoons of unsanded tile grout. With the help of a paint stirrer mix the entire solution. It is ready to be applied. When you put it on gently run and smoothen the layer of paint before putting another coat with a150-grit sandpaper. For best results apply a number of coats.

Creating your own chalkboard designs can be great fun and your kids are going to love you for it! But at the same time you can enhance the décor of your house with it.
