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byBonitoDesigns November 11, 2021 In BEDROOM Blog

2BHK apartments are the most commonly preferred option in big cities such as Bangalore. As more people are getting detached from joint families and residing in big cities as small families, the concept of 2bhk flats is flourishing.

A few years ago, just getting an apartment in a big city like Bangalore was a massive thing. But now, when apartments are available quite conveniently, people are leaning towards designing their home interiors to make their houses perfect and pretty. This has no doubt led to an increase in demand for the 2bhk home interior designers in Bangalore too.

If you have always thought home interior designing is only for villas and big houses, you should check out the 2bhk interior design projects in Bangalore. If you have been thinking about how to design your 2bhk apartment, here are some of the 2bhk home interior design ideas and inspirations to have a look at.

Theme Flexibility:

Due to lack of space, most interior designers suggest options such as minimalist or contemporary designs to the owners of the 2bhk apartments. In this, there are many times when some of the wishes are left behind. For example, the wish of having a traditional swing in the living area can seriously fail the contemporary theme of the living room. Hence, one of the ways to maintain the balance is to bring some flexibility in the themes.
There are so many designers who merge up two designs and create a fusion in such a case so that the owners of the house do not have to compromise upon anything. Also, there can be diverse themes for different places such as contemporary for the living room, bohemian for the bedroom, and so on. Having flexibility in the theme also brings out poppy colours to make the house always look cheerful.

Choose Colours Carefully:

the 2bhk apartment. Colours reflect your personality and also they can transform the interiors into something happy or something dull. So, it is very important that you have proper knowledge about choosing the right colours if you are planning to paint the walls of your choice. If you are not someone with knowledge of interior design, it is always advisable to take help from a professional.

In a 2bhk apartment, it is quite common that there will be some room or the other that will be smaller in size. If the rooms and the other areas are bigger, the size of the kitchen might be compromised. This can be corrected by choosing the right colours. But if you are not making the right selection, you might land up making the smaller room look even dingier than before.

Hence, the professionals can help in choosing the right shade that will make the smallest spaces of the house look spacious and appear bigger. Of course, the professionals may use many other tricks too apart from the colour to make this room look bigger than its usual size.

Using Space Smartly:

It is quite obvious that in a 2bhk apartment, you cannot arrange things as per your wish. You may not be able to have a separate reading room or a special space for your dressing. In such a case, the only solution is to make proper use of the space and act smartly. There are so many flats where there is no specific space left for the dining area. In such a case, there are so many times when the designers create a partition from a certain portion of the living room to create a dining area.

Similarly, different lights can be used in the bedroom so that you can have a small reading corner in the bedroom itself. Even if there are two people in a single bedroom, the use of pendant lights or focus lights over your reading table will help you in reading at night without disturbing the other person who would prefer to sleep by switching off other lights of the room.

Keep Less Cluttered:

If you wish to make your 2bhk apartment look organized always, one of the golden rules is to keep it less cluttered. One of the basic ideas is to keep lesser items such as a lesser number of furniture in the apartment. If you have a smaller dining area, you can have sleek chairs and a glass table in place of having a heavy wooden dining table set.

Similarly, it is not always necessary that installing a carpet or rug on the floor will be a great idea. If there is not much space left, installing a rug will make the place more congested. Hence, try to keep as few items as possible to keep the interiors look less cluttered.

Customized Furniture:

One of the major problems that most 2bhk apartments face is the unavailability of proper furniture according to the space available in the flat. Due to this, many times, you do not get furniture that goes by the theme of the interior too. Hence, one of the best ideas is to customize your furniture for your apartment. Set a theme for the entire house and then let your carpenter know the type of furniture that you require to suit the theme that you have selected for your home interiors.

Focus on Functionality:

When space is the problem, you have to focus that the furniture of other elements that you are using is also functional. One of the best examples is the kitchen area. You can get cabinets, pull-out drawers, and storage units beneath the countertop that would look pretty as well as would create space in the kitchen too. Also adding pull outs will help you in finding the right items at the right place always while you are cooking.
Why just the kitchen? You can always have such functional elements in other places of the house too such as the living room. You may have those small cute ottomans for seating purposes. But you can also create storage space within them with a lid on the top to open and close.

Play with Lights:

When you cannot add up many accessories due to scarcity of space, you can always play with the lights to let the magic happen. It is already mentioned before in this article about how lights can be used in segregation reading areas from the sleeping area in the bedroom. But lights can be used in many other ways such as grabbing attention or setting the mood of a place.

If you have a small foyer area, you can have some attractions on the wall and can add up a focus light so that this wall grabs attention and not the shoes that lie upon the floor if you do not have proper storage for them.

Also, there are so many people who love to have different coloured lights in the living room so that they can change the colours of the light depending upon the mood of the time. Similar attempts can be made for the bedroom too.

Create Storage Smartly:

It is quite obvious that when you have a smaller apartment, you will crave for spaces to store different items that otherwise remain scattered at different places. But this does not again mean that you will fill the entire house storage units. Creating excessive storage units without much planning can again eat up the space and can make your interiors look smaller. Also, having a storage unit at any random area can also lead to accidents, especially for guests who have come to your house for the first time.

It is no harm in having storage units but, make sure that you plan for it and use smart tricks for it. Usually, the kitchen and the bedroom are the two such places where you can have a good number of storage units. If your bedroom is small, in place of a cabinet style wardrobe, it is always better to have a wardrobe with sliding doors so that it does not eat up much space when you are opening your wardrobe.

Plan before you Act:

While there are so many 2bhk home interior design ideas available such as the ones discussed above, the most important point is that you should plan enough before you act for anything. A small mistake can ruin the entire space and look of the house or the room. Hence, it is always necessary that you have a vision and plan properly in place of randomly taking a decision about making any big changes.

2 bhk apartments are a common choice today for most small families in Bangalore. Also, most families do not just wish to stay in comfort but also wish to have a visually beautiful house to stay in and flaunt to others. In this, the ideas and inspirations for 2bhk designs will surely help. But if you are a novice in the field of designing or creativity, you should not hesitate at all in choosing an interior designer to get your home revamped.

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