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by Sravani Padmanabhuni January 14, 2015 In Best Interior Decorators in Bangalore Blog Uncategorized

Interior decoration has seen a sea of change since a few decades. International trends have begun to come in India, as many realty firms have been tying up with world renowned interior decorators. With jet setting becoming a norm, it is not hard to find interior design trends being swapped globally.

One of the trends that are beginning to catch up in India is that of wallpapers.

Wallpapers or wall coverings as they are called, come in various sizes, designs and colors. Nowadays, not just commercial complexes but even residential buildings are using wallpapers on a large scale because they are easy to use, easy to maintain and also look fabulous.

Wall coverings give an attractive definition to the walls, something that paints can’t accomplish.

It is a common misconception that wallpapers are made from low quality standard paper and that they do not last long and that users have to change it every now and then. Today, with modern trends, designs and technology, wallpapers are made from different materials and patterns and they are now as good as paints, if not better.

Advantages of wallpapers or wall coverings

First, the designs and patterns that are available are so vast that you get what you have dreamed of. With paints it is possible to only decorate walls in a certain way, but with wallpapers and their unique designs, sky is the limit when it comes to beautifying a wall.

Interior designs

Wallpapers give a definite definition, attitude and sophistication to a room. They enhance the look and design of the room itself. A wallpaper can be used as an extension of the user’s personality too.

Wallpapers can be used in various ways, either as a border on the walls or to cover the entire space.

Wallpapers can hide blemishes in the wall better than paint. It can bring uniformity to a room. By using wallpaper, any kind of design confusions can be solved. If the room is a small one, wallpaper can enhance the look and feel of the space.

Since wallpapers come in a variety of textures, it is possible to find one that suits your taste, vision and design.


Also read: 10 ways of using wallpapers other than on the walls


Few trending wallpapers:

Today wallpapers are available in different make, designs, textures and materials. Here I’m listing few trending wallpapers. Some of them are vinyl wallpapers, PVF or poly vinyl wall coverings, textile fibre wall coverings, fibre glass wallpapers and so on.

  • Vinyl wallpapers: These kind of wallpapers can even be easily cleaned and do not get affected by moisture. They also lend a glossy look to the walls.
  • PVF wall coverings: Wallpapers of these kind also function as sound insulators and also keep out heat. Wall coverings made from textile fibers give a classy look the walls and has the capacity to transform ordinary spaces into ultra luxurious ones.
  • Fiberglass wallpapers: Currently this kind of wallpaper is a trend that is catching up and since they are fire resistant and do not crack easily, they are durable and hence worth using.

So, visit your nearby wallpaper shops and purchase a nice roll of wallpaper. Give your walls a new dress for this festive season!
