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by Sravani Padmanabhuni January 5, 2015 In Base Material Blog Interiors Decoded Uncategorized

Doors have more functions today than just being a protective gate to a house. With interior designers coming up with various creative inputs, today, doors come in different designs, materials and layouts. In fact, many prefer to have unique and designer doors for their homes and even different types of doors for different rooms.

Well-designed doors enhance the beauty of a house. In addition to lending security to a home, doors also add to the appeal of a house. Doors, today, are made from different materials and as per the make, are used in different rooms and purposes. A door has two parts, a shutter and a frame. Today, doors made from wood, iron, plastic, aluminium, PVC and more are available.

Following are the different types of doors available in India:

Wooden doors:

These are the traditional doors, but today available with different carvings, designs and more. These wooden door design are made from different types of wood and their durability depends on the quality of the wood from which these doors.

The different types of wooden doors that are available are wire gauge doors, paneled doors, flush doors and glazed doors.


Wooden doors can be used as the main entry doors and inside doors. Since wood can get damaged due to exposure to water, wooden doors are not generally used as a bathroom or toilet doors.

Advantages of wooden doors:

They are easily available and are durable. They are easy to maintain and offers safety as well. Since different carvings can be made on them, these doors add to the aesthetic beauty of a house.

Iron and steel doors:

Since these types of doors are very strong, and are generally used as entry doors of houses and are used mainly as shutters for commercial establishments. Even garages in houses have shutters made from iron or steel.


Advantages of iron and steel doors:

They are strong and durable. By painting and polishing them, their life can be enhanced. The only disadvantage is that over time, they may corrode.

PVC and plastic doors:

Since these materials do not get affected by water or moisture and organisms such as ant or termites, these are generally used as bathroom doors and toilet doors. They come in different designs and colours and look beautiful.

PVC doorsSource

Advantages of PVC and plastic doors:

These doors do not corrode and do not need much maintenance. They can be cleaned easily and do not require any special treatment. They are light weight and easy to use. The disadvantage of such doors is that even though they resist moisture, they cannot withstand harsh natural conditions. They are also not sturdy and hence cannot be used as entry doors. They can also catch fire easily.

Aluminum doors:

As the current interior design trends test all kinds of materials, aluminum doors can be seen in quite a few houses, where they serve as an aesthetic barrier between living and dining area etc. These kinds of doors are mostly used in commercial establishments.


Advantages of aluminum doors:

Aluminum doors are pretty durable and since they come in different and modern designs, can add to the aesthetic value of a place. They are not prone to rust and are also weatherproof. The disadvantage is that they get stained due to exposure to water and moisture and can look pale and dirty white because of oxidation process.

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