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byBonito Designs January 28, 2022 In Blog DIY home decor ideas

Wardrobes are an eminent part of any bedroom interior. Usually, people prefer to install wardrobes in their bedrooms because they get dressed in the comfort of this room only. While some people may not consider the importance of having a properly designed interior, many others are quite focused on getting a proper interior design done for the wardrobe in the room.
While the best idea is to get in touch with a designer who can offer you the best options for your wardrobe design, it is also a great idea to have knowledge of it on your own too. Here are some of the factors that you should know if you are planning to get a wardrobe in your bedroom and wish to match it up with the interiors of your room.

Placing And Sizing The Wardrobe

When you decide to get a wardrobe fitted in your bedroom, the first thing to check is the placement of the wardrobe.
Do you remember? Earlier, when people had movable wardrobes or almirahs, they also carefully chose the placement. Therefore, you should surely take care of some eminent points while selecting the correct wardrobe position in the room.

  • The wardrobe placement should be such that the opening and closing of the door do not interrupt the movement of an individual.
  • It should be installed so that it is not just in front of the door. But, of course, you will not wish to feel embarrassed when someone sees how messed up you keep your clothes inside your wardrobe if you do so.
  • The best idea is to keep the wardrobe either near the bed or near the washroom if it is within the room.

Apart from the placement, it is also essential to check the size of the wardrobe that you wish to install in your room. Obviously, you will want to have a lot of space, but this does not mean that you will cover up a huge area in the room with the wardrobe. You also need to allow the room walls to breathe. Hence, it will depend upon the size of the room and the type of wardrobe you are getting.

Build or Buy Wardrobe

This entirely depends upon you. Once you have decided the reasons for which you want the wardrobe, you should also be able to calculate the estimated size that you require. Also, if you are in a sort of hurry, you can always check out the various readymade options and get the one that suits your interiors.

But if you do not have time limitations and you wish to get something that compliments your room interiors pretty well, then there is nothing better than getting your wardrobe built. Also, when you are getting your wardrobe built, you will get customisation options so that you can choose your own materials and styles.

Making Practical Choices For Wardrobe Material

Your bedroom wardrobe is the place where you will be housing all your expensive clothes and even various essential accessories and items. Hence, you cannot compromise with the quality of the material you are using to manufacture the wardrobe. Today, there are so many different options available that you can make use of to get the right wardrobe option for your room. You can go for options such as plywood, laminate, and even solid wood. Your choice can also depend on whether the material matches the interiors of your room.

Finish off with Exterior Material Styled to Your Bedroom

While you may use a vast number of materials for building up the materials, you also need to choose the suitable materials you will use for the exterior of the wardrobe. Many people prefer to use glossy laminates to offer a polished look, while others may use translucent glass to get a stylish and sophisticated look.
Another excellent option is to install a massive mirror on the wardrobe’s interior. Experts usually suggest such an option for bedrooms that are comparatively smaller in size. This is because when light reflects on the mirror, it makes the small size of the room appear much more significant.

Sliding or Hinged

While a few years back, the most common option for a wardrobe was that of a hinged one, today, many people also prefer to get a sliding door option. One of the major reasons people prefer to have a sliding door option is the lack of space. So, if you have installed the wardrobe near the bed or by the bedside, and there is not much space left for the wardrobe door to open sideways, the best way is to get a closet with sliding doors.
But again, if you have stacked up in your wardrobe with a lot of items, you may get a hinged door wardrobe so that you can open it wide to search for something. But of course, you also need to make sure that the wardrobe is not eating up much space in the room while opening the door.

Organizing Storage Components

Ideally, you can always find your wardrobe components in the best possibly arranged way if you have organised them in the right way. However, there are several ideas and ways that you can look for while you are setting up to organise your storage components in the wardrobe.

  • Member-wise Segment:
    One of the best ways is to divide the wardrobe between you and your partner so that you do not have to mess up your partner’s stuff to search for yours. You can divide the whole area into two halves and arrange your items at your designated areas accordingly. If your kid is staying in your room, you can define an area for the kid too.

  • Item-wise Segment:
    Even when you are a single person staying in your room, there is nothing to surprise if your wardrobe is also messed up. Here, the best trick is to arrange the wardrobe item-wise such as keeping one major section for your clothes, then another section for your accessories, the bottom-most section for your shoes, one small corner section for your makeup, and so on. When you are segregating the wardrobe item-wise, you can search your stuff much easier and there are lower chances of getting any of your items damaged. For example, you will not have the risk of getting a dress damaged due to the spilling of makeup products.

  • Season Segment:
    For a country like India, people dress up according to the seasons. You will take our warm clothes only for 3-4 months in a year and then will fold them and stack them in. Similarly, you might love to wear your extremely bright coloured or khadis during the summers. So, it is a great idea to divide your wardrobe according to the season. You can keep the warm clothes on the top-most shelf of the wardrobe because you will not need them the entire year before winter.

Not just seasons, you can also arrange your apparel and accessories as per their purposes and requirements. For example, you can keep one section for your formals, the other ones for your casuals, then another one for your party wear, and so on.
Now you have to decide upon the type of arrangements that you wish to do beforehand. This is because, depending upon the arrangements only, you will be customizing the sections in the wardrobe.

Go Creative with Your Wardrobe

If you have got a smaller space, the best thing is to go creative and make things possible. There are so many creative wardrobe interior design ideas in case of a smaller space.

  • Wardrobe with Dressing Up Area:
    One of the most commonly used ideas is a wardrobe with a dressing-up area. More usually known as a walk-in closet. Experts usually suggest mirror-finished exteriors for smaller rooms. One part of the mirror can be used as a dressing-up area by installing a small shelf-like structure midway to it. Installing focus lights on the top of the mirror will offer you the same feeling as a dressing table.

  • Wardrobe with a Study Table:
    There are many people who even customize the wardrobe in such a case, that a small part is cut out in between to adjust a table that can serve as your study area.

Similarly, there are several other ideas that you can use up to get your wardrobe installed in the most stylish way, depending upon your room interiors.
Selecting the correct wardrobe interior design ideas does not just make your room interior look great but also solves the problem of space. Carefully choosing the wardrobe segments and the styling also is extremely eminent so that your purpose of having the wardrobe in your room is served completely. In case, if you are still confused about how to get your best wardrobe options, getting in touch with a proper interior design professional is the next best thing ahead.

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