Kitchen is a hot pot place where every one Eat.. Pray… Love..!!
There is something very pure and spiritual about a clean and clutter free kitchen. Being in a clean kitchen inspires everyone to cook. A clean kitchen is a way to a healthy family.

But do you think cleaning and maintaining a kitchen is a pain? If yes go ahead and read this article.
There are so many elements to look after in a kitchen, the platform, the cabinets, the shelves, the floor, the appliances, the sink, the tiles above the platform and even the walls need a lot of maintenance in an Indian kitchen because we use so much oil while tempering our spices!
In this article we will look at some really easy ways to maintain the kitchen. And no fancy items required. Everything you need is available in your kitchen.
Here’s the quick tips list:
Kitchen platform maintenance tips:
- For a granite platform, cleaning and maintenance is very easy. Granite is less porous and very hard, so chances of dirt accumulating on the surface is low. All you need is a wet cloth to wipe it down. However, if the surface is oily, use a drop of your dish washing liquid on the wet cloth to wipe it down.
- You can use a hard wipe like a scotchbrite to scrape away any dried food or curry stains followed by the wet cloth wipe down action. If you want a squeaky clean and shiny appearance, use a dry cloth after the wet one to wipe down the platform again.
- Wipe as you go is another tip that takes a load off. Whenever something spills on the platform, wipe it immediately if you can, instead of leaving it till the end. It will save the job of scraping it off later.
- And lastly, keep the platform dry. Moisture breeds germs.
Kitchen cabinets surface and interior:
- Just like any other furniture cabinets require regular cleaning, dusting and wiping down.
- The outer surface of the cabinets can sometimes accumulate a thin layer of oil and smoke. So be sure to wipe it down with a soft cloth, like an old cotton tee or a sponge mop with dish washing liquid at least once a week. Don’t use any ammonia or bleach containing substances.
- The insides of the shelves require a more thorough investigation because remnants of water, liquid substances can slide into cabinets under the platform and cause germs to breed. Use a soft cotton cloth to wipe the area every week. If some hard stains refuse to go, use a drop of dish washing liquid. Let the area dry or use a dry cloth to wipe it dry before closing the cabinet.
- Using shelf paper is a very easy way to maintain your shelves. It limits the contact of utensils with the cabinet surface. Shelf paper can be an old newspaper also. However, if you want something fancy, shelf papers are available in super stores. Change shelf paper frequently to avoid germs.
- Never use any acidic or bleaching solutions on the cabinet surface, they will fade the laminate cover as it is soft and reacts with bleach and ammonia.
- Never use scotch brite or steel wool on these surfaces. They will cause scratches where the look of the cabinet gets marred and also give a place to germs to breed.
- Avoid draping your cabinets with cloths as cloth can collect moisture and cause permanent damage to your cabinet surface.
Kitchen floor maintenance:
Most kitchen floors are either ceramic tiles, vinyl or in rare cases, wooden laminate
Everyday cleaning of ceramic tiles and vinyl flooring can be done by using regular water mixed with a capful of tiles cleaning solution. However, if there is a spill, quickly scoop it up with a tissue paper and mop the area with a cloth. Letting the spill sit will result in its drying and you will have to use a soft bristle brush to clean it.
- Avoid spilling acidic substances like vinegar, wine, lemon juice or yogurt as it can result in permanent staining.
- To avoid watermarks after mopping, squeeze the mob tightly after every use before reusing. Change sides frequently. Make sure the mop is clean before every use, else there will be dirt stains visible throughout.
- Allow the floor to get exposed to air so that it becomes dry.
- For wooden laminate flooring, one must understand that it is much softer than vinyl or ceramic tiles and hence easier to scratch. So use a soft mopping cloth with water. Wring out as much moisture as possible from the mop as excess moisture can cause the wooden laminate to swell.
- Avoid using any kind of hard substances to avoid scratching the floor surface.
Kitchen appliances maintenance:
Blenders, food processors and mixers: Blenders are easy to clean if you wash them in the following manner immediately after every use. Take a bowl of water and add 1 drop of dish washing liquid to it. place the blender blades in it and blend away just like usual.
The pulsating water and detergent will remove the grease and grime. Take out any food particles that may have stuck to the blades and repeat.Clean the lid with running water.
Food processors and mixers can be cleaned from the outside with a wet cloth. In case of grease or oils use a soft sponge to wipe away stains and follow it up with a wet cloth. Take special care to clean the ridges where the container fits into the mixer/food processor.
Use a soft bristles tooth brush to clean inaccessible areas. Remove all the small parts of a mixer container, including the soft rubber ring before washing them under running water with dish washing liquid.
Refrigerator: Every 7 days, wipe the interiors of the refrigerator with a damp cloth. Remove all shelves and wash them under running water with dish washing liquid. Allow them to dry before putting them back.
You can keep a bowl of ground coffee at the back of the fridge to absorb odors.
Microwave: to clean the inside of a microwave, take bowl of water and mix a spoonful of baking soda. Place it in the microwave and power on for 5 minutes. This will form a thin layer of moisture on the walls of the microwave and loosen dried stains.
Wipe off with a soft cloth or a paper tissue. You can even use two pieces of line instead of the baking soda for this. Both have deodorizing properties. Let the microwave be open for a few minutes to help the interiors dry completely before using again.
- A rule of thumb is to regularly clean your kitchen sink after very use.
- A mixture of baking soda and lemon juice helps restore shine to the sink.
- The same mixture mixed with hot water and poured down the drain will release any clogged material from the pipe.
- While washing the sink, please remove all utensils from it. Use dish washing liquid to get rid of the grimy layer and follow it up with a rinse of baking soda and lemon juice solution. Use a scrubber that isn’t too abrasive because stainless tell can scratch easily. Use circular movements to clean difficult stains.
Kitchen walls maintenance:
Modern and glossy paint is usually fine to wash but do check what type of paint you have in the kitchen to avoid staining. Start off with gently dusting the walls with a dry cloth.
Stains can be lifted off by making a baking soda solution with water and spot cleaning with a soft sponge. Wipe off the place with a dry cloth.
- Spots on the wall that are caused by the objects rubbing against the wall can be vanished just by applying toothpaste on them and wiping clean.
- If you find greasy spots on the wall, use warm soapy water with a soft sponge.
- Never use abrasive sponges as they will tear into the paint and leave a mark.
There you have it! a simple and easy way to clean and maintain your kitchen. But a last piece of advice, be regular instead of jumping on a spring cleaning spree occasionally, it will form good habits for you and take a load off.
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