home Design
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byBonito Designs September 20, 2023 In Blog


DIY Home Design Vs. Interior Designer

The iconic ‘Moving-In’ Day! Aren’t we all aspiring for that happy day, when we take off those plastic covers from our newly bought furniture and gadgets? But then, here comes the bubble burst moment: the actual designing part of it!  

We’re all busy sketching plans on scrap papers, racking our brains for that perfect symmetry between aesthetics and function. Only to realise that the process is as not-so-aesthetic as the “taking-off-the-plastic-cover” moment.  

A home design that reflects our tastes and personalities can be a momentous and tough endeavour to undertake. The ambience, the colours, and the furniture or the overall look and feel, all need to come together for a harmonious space where families bind and bond.  

It’s a journey that begins with a simple question: How do you want your home to look and feel?  

While the answer is obvious, the path to achieving it can be challenging. It would be hard to decide whether to get started on a DIY home design journey, channelling your creativity and personal touch into every detail.  

Or should you seek the guidance and expertise of a seasoned interior designer, someone who can transform your vision into a tangible reality? 

As you stand at this pivotal moment, pondering which path to choose, it is crucial to consider several factors that will shape your decision. We at Bonito Designs will take an exciting journey into the fascinating world of home design and investigate the pros and cons of each method. 

Should I DIY my Home Design? 

DIY in-home design empowers homeowners to take charge of their gathering spaces, allowing them to set forth on a creative journey filled with self-expression and personalisation. It is a hands-on approach that invites individuals to roll up their sleeves and transform their homes according to their unique vision. That feeling of choosing and assembling things on your own, adds a very special character to it.  

If you’re someone who has been dreaming of building your own home since childhood, then this whole process may be for you. By embracing DIY, homeowners not only save costs but also gain a profound sense of accomplishment, knowing they have shaped their living environment with their own hands and creativity. 

Role of an Expert in Home Design 

While DIY in-home design presents an exciting avenue for self-expression, the role of an interior designer brings a level of professional guidance and expertise that can elevate a space to new heights. The advantages of hiring an interior design expert far outweigh the cons, allowing you to sit back and enjoy the construction of your dream home. 

Interior designers excel in their ability to understand clients’ aspirations and translate them into cohesive design concepts. They consider factors such as lifestyle, functionality, and the overall ambience desired. 

DIY Interior Design or Hire an Interior Designer? 

DIY Interior Design or Hire an Interior Designer

As we now know what exactly DIY and hiring an expert involve in home design, let’s explore the basics and what we can achieve in both processes. 

Objectives of DIY Home Interior Design 

1. Employing Your Creativity 

When opting for a DIY approach to home interior design, you have the freedom to unleash your creativity and infuse your personal touch into every aspect of your home design. This opens up a world of possibilities for self-expression and allows you to showcase your unique style and taste. 

Whether it’s choosing a bold colour palette, crafting custom furniture pieces, or incorporating handmade decor, the possibilities are endless. 

Pro Tip: Start by creating a mood board or collecting inspiration from design magazines and online platforms to refine your vision and ensure a cohesive look.

2. Tapping into your unique style and taste 

One of the key benefits of DIY home design is the sense of empowerment and accomplishment it brings. By taking charge of your dream home, you can experience the satisfaction of hands-on improvement. 

Each step contributes to transforming your space, whether you re-purpose old furniture, paint your walls, or install new fixtures. As you witness the progress and tangible results of your efforts, your sense of home ownership is enhanced. 

Expert Advice: Break down your project into manageable tasks and set realistic goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Celebrate small successes along the way to stay prompt and inspired. 

3. Budget Limitations 

DIY home interior design can save you a considerable amount of money. By taking on the design and implementation yourself, you can avoid or reduce the fees associated with hiring professionals. 

You can also choose materials and furnishings that suit your budget. DIY projects often involve scouring for deals, discounts, and bargains. 

Pro-Tip: You can take advantage of sales, clearance items, thrift stores, online marketplaces, and DIY-friendly retailers to find affordable materials, furniture, and decor pieces.  

5 Actionable Aspects of DIY in Interior Design 

  1. Give your walls a fresh coat of paint or experiment with wallpaper to instantly transform the look and feel of a room. 
  2. Refinish, reupholster, or re-purpose existing furniture pieces to give them a new lease on life and add a unique touch to your space. 
  3. Engage in DIY crafts such as creating artwork, making customised curtains or throw pillows, or crafting decorative items that add a personal touch to your home. 
  4. Implement practical and creative storage solutions using DIY techniques. Build shelves, install hooks, or create custom organisers to maximise the functionality of your space. 
  5. Install new light fixtures, replace lampshades, or add accent lighting to enhance the ambience and functionality of different areas in your home. 

Top 5 Benefits of Employing an Interior Designer

Top 5 Benefits of Employing an Interior Designer 

1. Professional Guidance and Knowledge 

Interior designers possess a wealth of knowledge honed through years of training and practice. Their knowledge of space planning, proportion, and flow ensures that they maximise every inch of your home. 

You can elevate your space to new heights with the right furniture layout and optimal natural lighting. Seek an interior designer who specialises in your preferred style and communicates well. Collaborate closely with them, sharing your ideas and inspirations, to create a space that feels like a true reflection of your vision. 

Our best interior designers in Bangalore have access to an extensive network of suppliers, craftsmen, and vendors. They can source high-quality materials and furnishings at competitive prices, saving you time and effort in the search for the perfect pieces. 

Pro Tip: Trust your interior designer’s expertise when it comes to sourcing materials and products. They can guide you toward durable, sustainable, and on-trend options that align with your design vision. 

2. Hidden Potential 

The best interior designers are those who have mastered the art of space optimisation. They can transform even the most challenging areas, such as small apartments or awkward corners, into functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces. 

By carefully considering traffic flow, storage solutions, and multi-functional furniture, an interior designer can help your home achieve a seamless and efficient layout. A skilled interior designer takes the time to get to know you, your lifestyle, and your preferences. 

Pro Tip: When working with an interior designer, clearly communicate your lifestyle and any specific requirements you have. This will ensure that the design not only looks stunning but also enhances your daily living experience. 

3. Codes and Regulations 

Codes and permits are legal requirements set by local authorities to ensure that the construction and renovation of home interior design meet safety, structural, and zoning regulations. These regulations vary from one jurisdiction to another and cover aspects such as electrical systems, plumbing, structural modifications, and adherence to building codes. 

Professional interior designers have a comprehensive understanding of local regulations and can guide you through the process. They are familiar with the necessary permits, can help with the documentation and submission process, and ensure that your project adheres to the relevant codes. 

4. Higher Resale Value 

Hiring an interior designer can significantly increase the resale value of a house by bringing expertise and a refined touch to the home interior design process. 

The attention to detail that an interior designer brings to a project can significantly impact the perceived value of a house. They pay meticulous attention to elements such as lighting, fixtures, finishes, and overall quality, ensuring a high-end look throughout the space. 

Pro-Tip: When hiring an interior designer for your home, choose neutral colours, classic materials, and versatile layouts that can easily adapt to different tastes. 

5. Assistance and Services 

Assistance and services encompass ongoing support, guidance, and maintenance to ensure the client’s satisfaction and the long-term success of the best interior design. 

After the completion of the design project, a professional interior designer can conduct a post-project evaluation to ensure that the client’s expectations have been met. They can review the project, address any concerns or issues, and make necessary adjustments or recommendations. 

Professional interior designers offer warranties on their work and the products they use. This means that if any issues arise or if there are defects in the materials or workmanship, the designer will provide the necessary support to rectify the situation. 

This VS That: DIY or Seasoned Experts? 

Top 5 Benefits of Employing an Interior Designer 

When deciding between DIY home design and hiring an interior designer, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive analysis, considering various factors :

1. Cost considerations 

DIY projects often have the reputation of being more budget-friendly. By taking charge of the interior design process, you can potentially save on professional fees. However, it’s crucial to consider the costs of materials, tools, and any mistakes that may require additional expenses to rectify. 

On the other hand, hiring an interior designer involves upfront costs, including home design fees and project management fees. However, they can leverage their industry connections to source materials at discounted prices and help you make cost-effective choices in the long run. 

2. Time and effort 

DIY projects demand time and effort, particularly if you’re juggling other responsibilities like work or family commitments. Designing and executing a comprehensive home interior design can be time-consuming, requiring research, planning, and hands-on work. 

Hiring an interior designer saves you valuable time and effort. They have the expertise to handle every aspect of the interior design process, from conceptualisation to execution. They will handle project management, coordinate with contractors, and ensure the project stays on schedule. 

3. Skill level and limitations

Some interior design elements require specialised skills and knowledge. For example, electrical and plumbing work, structural modifications, or intricate custom furniture designs may go beyond the capabilities of a typical DIY enthusiast. It’s crucial to assess your skill level and determine if certain aspects of the project require professional intervention. 

Remember, a successful home interior design project requires finding the right balance between DIY enthusiasm and professional expertise. Assess your budget, time availability, skill level, and the complexity of the project before making a decision. 

By thoroughly analysing these factors, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your resources, goals, and aspirations. Irrespective of the choice, the ultimate goal is to create a beautiful and functional home design that brings you joy and comfort for years to come. 

Take the First Step Towards a Beautiful Home with Bonito Designs…

In the world of DIY home design versus hiring an interior designer, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The decision ultimately depends on your circumstances, priorities, and aspirations. 

As we conclude this exploration, it’s important to reflect on the key factors discussed throughout the blog and evaluate how they align with your situation. 

Assess the scope of your project and identify areas where your DIY skills can shine while recognising when it’s best to seek the guidance of an expert.  

We Help You Design Spaces that Defines You! 
