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by Sravani Padmanabhuni May 11, 2014 In Blog DIY home decor ideas Uncategorized

Long back in our previous post “How to style a bookcase”, we gave you ample of ideas for styling your bookcase in a trendy way. And here in this article, we are stretching the topic a bit and explaining more about “Different ways of arranging books”.

Different ways to organize books

Its always good to organize one’s stuff so that when you search for it you get it immediately without wasting time in the search process. Being an obsessively organized person I like to keep my collection of books very well organized. There are lots of ways one can experiment with the organization of books in shelves.

1. The ABC method:

The most reliable and obvious method is sorting and organising the books in alphabetical order. Most libraries do it by arranging them by the author’s last name.


You can always use your own way to arrange and alphabetize by title. This comes in handy when you can’t remember the author name. To make it more convenient you shouldn’t count “the” and “A”. 😛

2. The colour codes:

This is a nice way to give your home decor a colourful touch. You can arrange them in colourful blocks for easy identification. This way of arranging books is best for those who easily identify their books by their spine colours.

You can have the books make a giant rainbow on your bookshelves or have colours matching your home decor. Black and white colour would make a bold statement.

Library of an Interaction Designer (Juhan Sonin) / 20100423.7D.0Source

You can play with all the colors and make different patterns. You can wrap them in neon colors and place them and give your bookshelves a vibrant look. But you must be okay with all searching as this option won’t help in arranging books in any order other than color.


Also Read: How to Give Makeover to Your Bookcase

3. The publisher:

This categorisation is maybe suitable for those who work in the publishing industry. You can arrange your books with all Penguins in a row and display Quirk collection in another.


4. Content of the book:

This is the easiest and convenient way of arranging books and then later search for them. You can always arrange them according to their subject. When you want to read something particular then you need to browse through the collection of your books according to the subject matter.


You can separate fiction from non-fiction, make a different row for poetry; this way you know where to go for a quick read depending on what mood you are into.

5. Emotional response:

You can even arrange your books based on their emotional content. Books make us connect emotionally. There are books which would make us sad and cry while we are reading some makes us feel happy and cheerful.

So you can arrange such books accordingly and when your friend asks you for a sad book recommendation, you can always show them the shelves to look for.

A few examples are like: Books that make you cry, books that make you laugh, books that make you feel nostalgic, books that make you feel romantic.

Also Read: Designer Book Shelf Design Ideas

6. Most used books:

Books that we use regularly can be kept within our reach. You can stack the books according to how frequently you reach out for them. Arranging your books this way does save you time when all you want is to just quickly grab onto your fav reading list and drown in them.


What better than to just pick something which you know for sure that you’ll like after a tiring day. Arranging books in a separate shelf or your mantle top, top rack of your bookshelf or just around your arms reach, when you crash into your favorite rocking chair.
