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byBonito Designs February 3, 2023 In Interior Design Reading Time : 12 mins read


We have a penchant for adding colours to everything we admire, decking up the room with white walls included. Even Mother Nature, for that matter, paints in different colours. Rainbows appear in the sky as the sun shines through the white clouds, giving us a beautiful scene to look back on.

White predominates throughout all categories, from notebooks to canvases. Due to its ability to complement every shade, white is often considered the colour par excellence. An all-encompassing colour that encourages creative play. If you can’t think of any colour for your living room, consider white, and then go crazy with what you can do. Let us help you!

White living room walls may not seem like the most exciting design choice at first, but they really give a blank canvas upon which you can create a very remarkable interior atmosphere. In fact, white is the ideal colour for a living room because it serves as a clean slate against which the rest of your décor, such as artwork and furniture, can pop.

How to deck up the room white walls!

Make your walls stand out with some striking artwork

Room with White Walls - put a striking painting

If you have a collection of wall art or want to add wall art: think of famous bollywood movie posters and frames to jazz up the walls, that you’d want to display in your living room, white walls are the best backdrop since they won’t detract from the pieces itself as patterned wallpaper or a brighter wall colour may. Frames of all sizes and colours look great against a white wall, and textured wall hangings are a great way to give warmth and depth.

Deck up your walls with some Black and White Photos

Room with White Walls - put some black and white photos

What better than the select photos from your google drive or the trip you took to the mountains? Turn them into black and white frames for the wall and. An all-white living area is given an air of sophistication by the addition of striking black and white pictures. With their thin legs, the pieces of furniture in this room give the impression that they are floating above the floor, which contributes to the airy atmosphere of the room.

Place a Mirror on the wall

Room with White Walls - place a mirror

You might be surprised how mirrors can add a touch of class and to the room. Also, it makes your room an insta-worthy corner for sharing the outfits of the days and reels. Cherry on the cake, place some houseplants next to it to give the room a lively atmosphere.

The aged and foxed mirrors in the white living room give the area a feeling of grandeur and blend nicely with the plaster work in the room, while the contemporary furniture and the recently installed fireplace maintain the space appearing contemporary.

Add Colours to the Wall

Room with White Walls - add colors to the wall

While colour may be the first thing that comes to mind when a living room needs a facelift, the addition of texture can do wonders for the area by creating visual interest and a welcoming atmosphere.

As an alternative to hanging a single large piece of artwork on the wall, you might add visual interest by adding a series of seven or more paintings that complement the white wall. Paint  a darker border to the frame and make it stand out more.

Add Softer Tones

Room with White Walls - add softer tone

One way to deck up the living room is with softer tones. White living rooms may be made more fashionable with the addition of a vibrant and vivid couch. Choose a colour that is currently popular.

As the saying goes, “decorating with white helps create a timeless and subtle design, but it is necessary to achieve a balance between being simply sophisticated and merely basic.”

A splash of colour is a certain method to liven up an otherwise drab design concept. If you’re going for an all-white look on the walls and flooring, make a statement with a colourful couch or accent chair. White sofas with colourful textured walls are another option for a modern look.

Make it like a Beach

Room with White Walls - make a vintage look

White colour might be a quiet colour but it goes well with a number of vibes you want for your living room or your bedroom. If you want to deck up your wall with white colour, don’t miss the cosy beach-like vibe you can create.

The breezy atmosphere of a beach home is easy to achieve with an all-white colour scheme. Not the cliche with jars of shells all over the place; rather, we’re talking about rooms that are tastefully decorated with a light, airy nautical ambiance.

You can get a similar effect by dressing in a palette of white, grey, and plenty of thick fabric, such as linen. Adding some whitewashed wood for texture and a few big house plants for colour would do wonders for the room.

Expose the Brick Wall

Room with White Walls - expose the brick wall

Any wall you choose to cover with brick will instantly become the focal point of the space because of the dramatic effect it has.

If you are painting the wall white, might as well expose the brick wall. A fresh coat of white paint on an exposed brick wall makes the area appear more modern and airy while also giving a subtle sense of texture and intrigue.

Raw wood fixtures, houseplants, and a cluster of pendant lights are all great examples of how to build on the casual atmosphere created by an exposed brick wall.

Use Prop Artwork

Room with White Walls - use prop artwork

Prop and pile huge prints against the wall to create the appearance of a gallery wall without the hassle of nailing hundreds of little pins into the wall.

Prints in tones that compliment the pattern of your white living room may generate subtle interest, but adding a splash of colour can also be a lovely touch to the space.

Never go wrong with the Furniture

Deck up your white-walled bedroom or living room with a few significant investment items to make the most of the space and highlight the furniture you’ve chosen. When it comes to adding drama with furniture, Nina explains, “white walls become a great blank canvas.” An exciting flash of colour in a gorgeous sectional is a terrific way to brighten up an all-white home, as the saying goes.

A statement piece of furniture that is intriguing for other reasons might stand out just as much as a piece of furniture with a striking colour scheme when put in a room with white walls. Think of a Persian or Kilim rug, a marble coffee table with wonderful veining, or a plush, curved couch. To draw attention to an expensive and prized piece of furniture, paint the walls white.

Plant your way in

Room with White Walls - use plants

Place some striking houseplants against the white walls to give it a botanical feel. It provides a sense of the natural world to the living space. This will infuse your house with jolting green colour and soften the severity of the white walls. In addition to keeping plants happy and healthy, white walls allow light to reflect throughout the area.

It’s beautiful to look at, and it’s obviously well-designed. However, you can’t just purchase any tree you come across; instead, you should research the tree’s requirements (such as the amount of light it requires and the size of the planter) to make sure it thrives. Think about the plant’s height relative to the sun and how often it will require watering. There are some plants that freshen up the air.

Select at least two and place them at various intervals around the room. Keep things interesting by selecting one tall plant to give height (an indoor fiddle leaf fig tree or money plant would make a stunning statement), a low-maintenance trailing plant like devil’s ivy, and a vibrant pink houseplant like a Medinilla rose grape.

Add Some Lights

Room with White Walls - add some light

A white living room benefits greatly from well-placed, tiered lighting. Lights from various sources assist bounce light about the area, softening the effect of the white walls and giving the space a more inviting atmosphere.

The quantity of lights you’ll need in your living room is highly dependent on the dimensions of the area, but in general, you should have at least one overhead light, several wall sconces, and a floor or table lamp.

Choose a chandelier or statement fixture for the room’s focal point, add height with a floor lamp and a gorgeous lamp shade, and think about using a pair of sconces for the wall lighting, maybe white to promote a yellow/golden glow.

Reimagine the Ceiling

Lastly, as we have already established that white goes with everything, since its neutral nature makes it a wonderful base for building a pop-colored palette.

If you want to make a statement in your room, try painting the ceiling a bright colour and leaving the walls white. Break the fourth wall and enter straight into the fifth wall. Using a contrasting shade on the ceiling of any room, particularly the living room, dining room, or master bedroom, is a great way to give interest, depth, and warmth to the space. It will add drama if you keep the walls white.

Though the walls are always white, the painted ceilings inject a sense of excitement and playfulness into the otherwise staid design.


White walls allow you to go wild with the sort of décor you can get done with the area without having it appear tacky or clumsy, which can be a huge relief when it comes to designing walls. In and of itself, white is not a boring colour. This article shows that a minimalistic approach may work well for interior design.

How can Bonito help?

Get Bonito Designs to design your home to your specifications, and we’ll make sure that everything you want your home to say is conveyed in a way that people will never forget.


What's the most cost effective way to deck up my white walls?

The most inexpensive way to deck up the white walls is to put artworks on the wall. You just need a single eye-catching wall piece that hangs on the wall. It could be a photo or a cute sketches your kid made in school.

Can I style my white walls with bookshelves?

Yes, bookshelves make the best buddies for the walls. Put some artwork in it white securing it with some books. Place little pieces of art at the bookcase’s front to provide depth. Vases and dishes may be hidden within modest frames without losing their distinctiveness.


White walls are a versatile background that can be paired with a variety of furniture colours?

Natural wood tones such as light oak or beech for a warm and inviting look. Deep shades of blue or green for a calming and sophisticated feel. Bold colours such as red or yellow for a statement look. Neutral colours such as grey or beige for a timeless and elegant look. Ultimately, the best furniture colour to pair with white walls will depend on your personal style and the look you want to achieve in the room.


How to make a white room warm?

Add Textures: Incorporating different textures, such as plush rugs, soft throw blankets, or woven baskets, can add warmth to a white room. Use Natural Materials: Adding natural materials, such as wood furniture, woven baskets, or potted plants, can help create a warm and inviting atmosphere in a white room. Choose Warm Lighting: Soft, warm lighting can help make a white room feel cosier and more inviting. Consider using table lamps, floor lamps, or wall sconces with warm-toned bulbs. Introduce colour: Adding pops of warm colours, such as orange, yellow, or red, through throw pillows, curtains, or artwork, can help create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in a white room. Layer Your Window Treatments: Adding layers of window treatments, such as sheer curtains under heavier drapes, can help add warmth and cosiness to a white room.


How to darken a room with white walls?

Paint the Ceiling: Painting the ceiling a darker colour, such as navy blue or charcoal grey, can help to darken the room and create a cosy atmosphere. Add Window Treatments: Heavy curtains or blinds can help block out light and darken the room. Consider using blackout curtains or using a combination of curtains and blinds to control the amount of light entering the room. Use Dark Furniture: Adding dark furniture, such as a dark wood coffee table or a leather sofa, can help create a cosy and intimate atmosphere in a white room. Add Dark Accents: Incorporating dark accents, such as throw pillows, artwork, or a dark-toned area rug, can help to balance out the bright white walls and create a darker atmosphere. Install Dimmer Switches: Installing dimmer switches for your lights will allow you to control the brightness of the room and create a more intimate atmosphere.

