home Design
Let's begin
byBonitoDesigns November 11, 2021 In BEDROOM

While modern houses in India are opting more for minimalistic trends, the inclusion of traditional richness is always reflected somewhere or the other. The Indian home interiors differ from one state to state due to the diverse cultures and weather conditions that India has got. But there are some specific features that remain common in maximum homes of India.
Here are some of the most expected features of Indian-style home interior design.

The Vastu Technique:

Most Indian home interiors are designed as per the Vastu tricks. India has a rich history of Vastu that explains every point as per scientific logic. Vastu covers a lot of elements such as the direction of the entryway and the exit, the colour for the walls of different rooms, the location of different elements in the house, and many others. Indians have a strong belief that designing the house as per the Vastu brings in good vibes and keeps away the negativity from the house. Today most of the builders also prefer to construct apartments as per Vastu so that selling them can get much easier.
Indian Style Home Interior Design

WThe Craze of TV:

Indian homes are incomplete without a television. Earlier when the internet was not part of normal lives, the whole family used to sit together to watch a movie or any other programme on the television. Though the idea of spending time together is fading out day by day, television still remains to be an eminent element in Indian houses. Thus, whenever you check out interior design ideas for the Indian living room, a major amount of focus can be noticed at the TV unit.
Most people have flat-screen huge televisions to show off today. Thus, a lavish TV unit on the most focussed wall of the living room is something common in Indian home interiors. The TV unit can be designed either by complementing the false ceiling and the furniture of the living room or can be a contrast against the wall on which the TV unit is getting installed.
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The First Impression:

In India, people take the saying quite seriously that the first impression is the last impression. Hence, having a dramatic entryway or a soothing foyer is something that can be very much expected in the Indian house interiors. Most Indians are traditional at heart even if they maintain a modern lifestyle. So, it can be very much expected that the foyer area of Indian homes may welcome guests with idols of Ganesha, Buddha, and similar others. Also, the use of traditional lamps at corners is quite common in lavish setups. One may even notice a beautiful toran hanging on the main door in order to make it look attractive along with traditional.
Indian Style Home Interior Design

A Dedicated Pooja Space:

Whether it is a big house or a smaller one, something that can be always expected in Indian-style home interior design is a dedicated area for Pooja space. We Indians get very sensitive when it comes to our faith. The elderly women in the house especially may have a number of rules for the prayer area such as space for accommodating different idols and accessories. Whatever state you belong to, a number of house gatherings and occasions are due to some or other religious events. Hence, getting a proper pooja space is mandatory in every Indian home interiors.
Indian Style Home Interior Design

The Kitchen Interiors:

Indian kitchens are all about deep fries, spices, and oil moistly. It may happen that the day starts with puri bhaji and it ends with assorted spiced vegetables. So, the whole cooking thing surely put a heavy impact on the walls of the kitchen. Hence, most Indian kitchens will have tiles on the walls, especially near the cooking area. So, when the oil or spices splash on the tiles, they can be easily wiped out with the help of soap and water.
Indian Style Home Interior Design
Also, you can always expect the Indian kitchen to be airy and well-ventilated. This is because the spice fumes are so strong that cooking Indian food in a closed space can get suffocating. Thus, there should be ample space and ventilation in the kitchen.

Greenery Indoors:

Having green in the house is a personal choice. There is nothing so specific that Indian interior designs will have greenery incorporated in the interiors. But yes, most Indian homes will surely have a Tulsi at home. Earlier people used to have this plant on the porch of the house but now people who stay in apartments also install this plant within the interiors such as on the balcony. Along with tulsi, then slowly many other greens also start coming in such as money plant, hibiscus. curry leaves, and many others. It can be very much expected to have a small garden as a part of the interior design ideas for an Indian home.
Indian Style Home Interior Design

Indian Style Modular Kitchen:

Indian cooking is not just about spices and oils. It is also about using different techniques to cook different food items. An average Indian kitchen may have a wide range of utensils starting from different kadhais, tawas, to idli makers, and many others. Similarly, there are a vast number of containers for different items to cook different food items. Hence, there should be ample space in the kitchen to accommodate all these items.
Indian Style Home Interior Design
Indian modular kitchens are such that they will have storage units for different utensils, appliances, and others to keep the kitchen clutter-free. Also just below or at the side of the cooking counter should be drawers and pull-outs to have easy access to different oil bottles and a wide range of spices for cooking the food.

Colourful Upholstery:

Though many Indian home owners are looking for minimalistic and simplistic designs, vibrant colours will always stay in the scene. If the walls are painted in a nude shade and the entire interior is kept elegant, colourful upholstery is something that spells life into the Indian interiors. Whether it is the cushions on the sofa or the diwan, or the carpet and rugs laid on the floor, they all offer a splash of heavy colours on the simplistic interiors. Also, these colourful upholstery bring comfort and warmth to the interiors that are loved by the Indians.
Indian Style Home Interior Design

Furniture and Storage:

Of course, there are many people who love the modern lightweight seating options, there are still people who love the comfort of traditional heavy sofas. A similar idea goes for the bed, dining table, and other furniture options of the Indian house too.
When it comes to storage, Indians need a good amount of storage to keep the house free from mess. Hence, big or small storage units can be noticed very commonly in almost every room and area of the house starting from the foyer area to the balconies of the house.
Indian Style Home Interior Design
Apart from this, the use of traditional artifacts is something very common in any Indian household interior. It can be a painting or a statue or some wall hangings. Having these artifacts offer a touch of tradition and culture to the interiors. Also, the use of unique artistic decor makes the space look glamorous in its own way.


Today, it is not very possible to judge an Indian house due to the implementation of modern decor, replacing the traditional approach. But as the saying says, you may change the outer layer, you cannot change the roots. There are some specific elements and features that you can always expect in an Indian-style home interior design and some of them are the ones discussed above.

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