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Let's begin
by Sushmita Das December 20, 2019 In Blog KITCHEN

If you’re rushing to get your home sorted before the holiday parties – look no further than your kitchen. The key to hosting the perfect holiday party is to have a spectacularly operating kitchen. And that involves making sure that it can withstand the constant demand for good food to fly out of it in order to keep the conversation going. Here’s how you can prep your kitchen for the ultimate holiday party –

Clean clutter from countertops 

A clean and arranged countertop will help you in reaching for things when you need them in a hurry. And in a hurry, you will be. Arrange all your necessities to be within reach of you and your guests so that there is no need to rummage through endless cabinets. Modular settings with concealed holders for smaller items are the most helpful.

Deep clean the microwave

When you swear by it and know that it will be the most used appliance during the party, do yourself a favor and keep it cleaned beforehand. Neither you nor your guests will appreciate having to use a dirty one or one that smells of all your dishes from a week ago. If you have your microwave installed in a tall unit with a shutter, it is advisable to keep fresheners inside to disperse any foul smells.

Stock up your Kitchen

We wouldn’t want you to run out of ingredients and having to rush to the nearest grocery shop in the middle of the party. A day before the party it is good to take some time to sit down and make a list. Arrange all condiments and spices in neatly labeled jars and fill your cabinets. Store perishable items in wicker baskets and arrange them in a decorative manner.

Bring out your Holiday Serve Ware

Run an inventory check of all basic supplies you would need and either purchase or borrow them before the party. Check your special holiday serve ware, and other pantry necessities and only bring them out if you are sure no harm will come to them. If you’re serving your meal on nice serving plates, clean them up and get them ready to go.

Prep your Meals

Plan out your recipes beforehand and have most of the prepping completed to cut down on your cooking time. Avoid spending the most time in the kitchen to mingle with your guests. While your guests wait for the food to be served, you can keep them entertained with tricky cocktails and mixes from your very own bar counter.

Light Up Your Kitchen in Style 

Highlight your kitchen as you would the rest of your home with sophisticated furniture lightings. Give your kitchen countertops the uplifting with LED strip lightings with integrated wave motion sensors. With just a wave you can now illuminate your workspace even if your hands are covered in all the delicious holiday recipe goodness.
If you are thinking of gifting yourself a new home with a brand new modular kitchen for the new year, we can help from planning to selecting the best products and even installation. Call us at 8066085646 to book your appointment today! Happy Holidays!
