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by Sravani Padmanabhuni July 9, 2014 In Best Interior Decorators in Bangalore Blog Uncategorized

How many times have you looked at the corners of your house and cursed them for looking boring and uninspiring? It’s time to change their look and feel and you don’t have to be an interior designer to do it.
We bring you some of the best-known corner shelf designs; pick and choose one for your house.
When decorating our house we take the utmost care to paint walls, decide on the furniture to be put in the house, and spare a lot of thought before placing decorative items but is it all enough? What about the corners?


We generally tend to ignore the corners of our house. Either we hide them behind paintings, cupboards or we just leave them standing like that.
Given the present-day situation when most of us live in apartments or flats and have a paucity of space it becomes utmost important to use every inch that is available in the house.
We spoke to our in house team of interior decorators about using the corner space aptly and they had many useful suggestions on using corners creatively.


We bring you a list of ten such shelf options that you can use in the corners to utilize the side space and at the same time add to the visual appeal of the entire room. Here we have ranked them in an order in which they appealed to us

8. The traditional corner shelves:

These kinds of shelves have been used in old houses too. You can put a series of side shelves in the corner and keep stuff there. You can use it as a showcase too. In the earlier days, they were made of wood and supported from the base, now they are available in many materials like boards, Korean plastic, aluminum, etc.

traditional corner shelves

Here are one such traditional corner shelf design ideas – Use the one that suits the overall décor of your home. These shelves can be used anywhere – living room to stack stuff, drawing room to showcase decoration pieces, kitchen to keep eatables, bathroom to keep bathing essentials, etc.

7. The modern snake ladders:

This design for the modern corner shelves design has been pulled from the modern interior designs. The shelves have been designed like a snake ladder and you can use them in any size – a small ladder in the middle of the wall or a big ladder starting from the floor and ending at the ceiling.

ladder corner shelves

The Modern snake ladders shelves design adds to the visual appeal of any drab corner and adds ample space to keep books, photo frames, toys, home essentials etc. Its best used in the living rooms and can serves multifarious uses there.

6. The oblong shelves: – Floating corner shelves

This is a twist to the age-old shelves that we mentioned earlier but people just love to use this twist in their houses. Here, the shelf is placed in such a way that one side has more space than the other.


Try using them in two or three rows and they will work wonders for the boring corners of your living room. Here is how you can put them to use:
This unusual look makes it a perfect showcase shelf if you want to utilize the maximum space from both the walls.


5. The traditional cupboard:

This is perhaps the most basic way to use a corner. You can get a cupboard made in its space and use it for a multifarious purpose. Such cupboards look best in living rooms, using them in the drawing room may just look little out of place.
Use the corner shelves on top to keep things and the drawers beneath can be used to store ugly household items. You can keep electronic items like DVD players, laptops etc in the middle shelf which is easily approachable.

4. The ultra-chic square graph:

In this cupboard, the central shelf is long and spacious and the other shelves on top and bottom are smaller. Color this in peppy hues and your dull corner gets an art piece of its own.

wall mountable corner shelf design idea

It’s suited for use in the drawing room and can be used to keep decoration pieces. It’s simple and even a local carpenter can do this one for you.

3. The designer shelf:

This is an ultra-modern and urban take on the old shelf. The base of the shelf remains as such and the sides get highlighted in any design complementing your drawing-room.


When done up nicely it can become a perfect place to keep your trophies, family pictures and even the expensive crystal pieces that you want to show off.

2. The classy side shelves:

This is a very unusual but beautiful use of the classic shelves. It has a twist though, that one shelf is placed on one wall, the preceding one is placed on the other wall and this alternate design continues as long as you want it.
However, it looks beautiful when done up in alternate numbers like three, five etc.


Check this classy side shelves example and you will realize how this design does wonders the boring corners of your drawing room. Place your delicate decoration pieces, deities or even small collectibles on this and it will become the focal point of your drawing room.

1. The sophisticated light shelves:

Who would have thought that if you alter the regular floating shelf mildly then the results will be as magical as this one.


Using small lights at the base of each shelf has changed the entire look and feel of these shelves and these can be used in any drawing-room. In fact in the evenings, these shelves will be the attention seeker and your good old corner becomes the highlight of your room.
We have shared some of the widely used and appreciated shelf designs to highlight the corners. You can use any one of them or twist them as per your use. One thing is for sure that your corners are bound to change forever after using any of these designs!
