home Design
Let's begin
by Sravani Padmanabhuni December 28, 2019 In Best Interior Decorators in Bangalore

The notion that interior designing is only for the rich and their big sprawling homes, has been proven wrong time after time with more families in India now opting to get their new homes professionally designed. Contrary to what is popularly believed, interior designing is much more than just decorating a home. A professional dedicates their time for space planning, layout, functional design, an eye for detail, color combinations, the latest trends and a lot more with your preferences in mind. With Indian homes, finding the proper harmony between the wide range of colors in the household is a job best left to the professionals. At Bonito Designs, we put the preferences of the home-dweller at the center of our designs and create a space that they’ll love to spend their time in.

But if you are still not convinced as to why you should hire someone else to make your dream home, here are some reasons why:


The initial investment made into getting an interior designer is going to eventually save you much more money in the future, along with your precious time. If you attempt decorating on your own – the main aspect where you will lose money is buying furniture and accessories impulsively that will, later on, stick out like a sore thumb. While you might go on a hunch and get that sofa you saw at the furniture expo, a designer will have bought all the light fixtures that will match with it by the time you pay for it. How is spending more giving you more in return you say? The secret lies in the connections the designer has – it guarantees a discount on furniture pieces that are usually double of customer discounts. 

If you are looking for some of the top interior designers in Bangalore, Bonito Designs is your ultimate choice!


With any new place or a recent remodeling, the blank canvas that requires to be decorated often becomes too overwhelming for an individual. Instead of pondering over 100 color schemes and the various clashing styles preferred by family members, a designer can help you with an immediate plan of action that will bring out the best of the place and satisfy all. With a trained pair of eyes, the designer can help you in utilizing the very best of what the space has to offer or has the potential to be. A designer would know what are the upcoming trends for the year, how to plan your space as well as how you can make the most out of the limited space in your apartment. 

Of course, you are pouring in all the money, so nothing will be done without your approval. If you hire an interior designer from Bonito Designs, the designer offers you a virtual look of the house with all the designs incorporated in it. This allows you to understand properly how your house is going to look after getting designed. When you make changes in designs in this phase, it saves a lot of time and effort of the designers and also a lot of your money that will be flowing out of your pocket.


No matter how many budget home-makeovers you’ve seen or how many magazines you’ve subscribed to, it will lead to a lot of contrasting ideas among family members that you won’t know how to bring together. Similarly, for a person who is clueless about what it would take to create their dream home – guidance is required for both. Someone to coordinate and make magic happen with your choices. And chances are your home might also come out looking like those homes in the magazine in half the cost with smart budgeting by your designer. The designer aims to present you with a design that will suit you within your budget or they will also help you in readjusting your budget according to your requirements if you’re a first-time home-owner.


No longer do you need to keep negotiating with your carpenter about extra charges with every new furniture brought in or call up the electrician multiple times because your dream lighting fixture is not switching on due to faulty wires. An interior designer is trained and attentive enough to take all of this into consideration and properly check before finalizing anything. They know the language of negotiation with architects and contractors – anything to achieve your dream home. The designers understand that harmony is required between the interior design, the lighting, furnishing, and architecture to attain a livable home.

It is not always possible for you to leave your office and run after different service providers in order to design your home perfectly. Hence, in order to get a hassle-free solution, nothing can be a better idea than hiring interior designers 2021. These designers will take care of all the elements that are from painting the walls to electric fittings so that you can focus on your work while your home is getting designed. The designer just meets you for finalising the plan and for discussing any other eminent decisions. Apart from this, other tasks are very well taken care of by the designer and the project manager.


The specific type of wood that you wanted might be sold out with your local carpenter or worst case – he hasn’t ever heard of its name before! Such a dilemma is non-existent with interior designers because of their wide network of contacts with various suppliers and manufacturers. Designers also have access to fabrics and products not available to the general public. This increases your chance of having something unique in your home that’ll be all your guests’ envy.

Also, if you need to change or get some new furniture, it is always a great idea to get the help of these designers. They will not just suggest something that will suit the interiors but will also offer you the best options from the list of resources that they have got. Once again, you do not have to hunt for the items as the designers already have knowledge about where you can get which items to enhance the beauty of the interiors.


Your designer can help you to create a space that is a visual representation of the story you want to convey to your guests. Your designer will be able to work with statement art pieces and antique furniture passed down from generations and give them the spotlight they deserve. They can carefully curate a particular area of the home to deliver the wow factor that decorating by oneself may just not hit the spot. After all, we all want our homes to tell a story as unique as the people living in it.

At Bonito Designs, we believe that interior design is a team effort between the homeowner and the professional. Why? Because at the end of the day, it’s you who will be living in your dream home and that means that we are responsible to bring to life everything you would like to see and to feel. Your home should be someplace where you would love to spend your every waking moment at – with family and friends.

If you decide on hiring the professionals for your dream home in 2021, talk to us at 8066085646 and we promise to curate a space as unique as you. 
